Peak Performance Buoyancy Course
Great buoyancy control is what separates new from experienced divers. The ability to control it just by “thinking” about it seems like voodoo, but it comes down to training, knowledge, & experience. Our advanced buoyancy class will not just give you additional control under water, it will help you conserve air, energy, and lets you get as close as you want to underwater attractions without risk of damaging the fragile ecosystem.
Please choose NO COURSE DATE (on the "start date" below) if there is no class scheduled, the classes we have scheduled won't work for you OR you would like a private class* (*additional fees may apply).
Availability: Contact us for booking information
What to expect in this course:
During your open water course, you instructors (hopefully) discussed the importance of buoyancy. Being able to effortlessly rise & ascend by seemingly just “thinking” about it isn’t magic; it’s practice. In this course, our instructors will have an in-depth consultation & gear review to determine any problem areas, then work with you underwater on configuring your gear, weights, & trim to streamline your diving profile. Once this is done, you’ll practice several real-life scenarios where buoyancy control is important.
Who this class is for:
- The certified diver looking to improve &/or fine-tune their buoyancy to prevent damage to the underwater world.
- Certified divers working on their air consumption.
- Certified divers interested in understanding how trim mechanics effects your diving.
Our Advanced Buoyancy certification class fee includes:
- Your online learning, tests, & instructor review.
- 2 instructor-led dives in open water.
- Peak Performancy Buoyancy certification e-card & processing fees
- Why buoyancy is important
- When must buoyancy checks be performed
- Buoyancy factors
- Drysuit vs wetsuit*
- Streamlining your gear & dive position
- Efficient kicking techniques
- How improper trim impacts your diving experience
- Proper weighting
- Conduct buoyancy checks with full & nearly empty cylinders.
Course Requirements:
Advanced Buoyancy certification prerequisites:
- 10 years or older (Under 18 requires parental consent)
- Open water diving certification
- Approved diver medical form
- Liability waiver
Gear requirements:
- Standard scuba gear (regulators, BCD, weights, tanks, computer – available for rental)
- Personal scuba gear (mask, fin, snorkel, boots – student must provide)
- Any additional weights or weight systems you already own
Class requirements:
- Satisfactorily complete the online learning course.
- Complete all open water requirements efficiently
- Demonstrate sound buoyancy techniques in water
- Ensure the certifying agency has your photo on their website (no hats or sunglasses)
Time Requirements:
- 2-3 hours for online learning
- 2-6 hours of instructor led surface & in-water trainin